One of the biggest things that I have always needed was reassurance. Reassurance from God that I am doing a good job, that he is proud of me, that I am saved from eternal separation (although I have been walking with the Lord for quite some time), and that God loves me. I'm always seeking God for reassurance on his feelings towards me that nothing has changed even when I can't feel his presence and I think I am alone. The devil, life, and people do such a good job of making a person believe that God doesn't love them based on what they see. When people fail us and they will, we apply it to God, but God isn't man. The devil either lies to us about God's love for us not being consistent or completely absent, but God promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Then, there's life, life will bombard us with situations that make us question God's faithfulness, but God said that he is full of faithfulness no matter what happens.
I get it though, being reassured can sometimes get us back to that place of peace within our heart and mind (at least until we need it again). Personally, I refuse to believe that God ever stops reassuring us of his love, but I do believe that we can experience God's love on a daily basis by trusting in his love (1 John 4:16-17).
Things to remember:
God died for you and me while we were still in sin. This was a time when we were the most undeserving, unappreciative, and unaware of how deep God's love is towards us, but He showed it to us. God is always showing us his love whether we see it or not. Every day when you wake up, escaped a car accident, and the things that you know only God could've done when you weren't paying attention are all signs of God's love for you. We put our trust in a love that will not change no matter what. Romans 8:35, says, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? "
Instead of freighting over God's love for you, indulge in his love. You can indulge in God's love by keeping his commandments. In John 14:15, Jesus tells us that we are to follow God's commandments to show our love for God. Think about it, in John 15:3-4, Jesus says that we are to remain (abide) in him and he in us. Abiding in Jesus, the word of God actual means to abide in the word of God. Obeying the word of God shows are love for God. Not obeying God's word means that we do not love him and have no regards for his words. Remember, God counted Abraham as faithful because he believed in God and held onto his promise.
You can be reassured of God's love for you on a daily by meditating on his word (this is another way of obeying God's commands). In Deuteronomy 6:8, Moses instructed that God's people tie God's word around their neck and tie it around their wrists. What Moses meant was that we should meditate on the word of God to the point that it is embedded in us. So, imagine the word of God concerning his love for you was embedded in your heart. Then, the devil, life, and people would not easily sway our faith about God's love for us.