I notice that there are seasons in my life where my faith is attacked harder than others. Of course, I hate when this happens and wanna knock the devil out (physically, teehee) but rn the word is my weapon until Jesus handles him. So, I wanted to encourage anyone else who faces attacks on their faith and wants to know what to do.
Your weapon:
I was listening to a sermon, or heard it from someone but either way, they told me that the word is your weapon against all attacks of the enemy. For the longest I was looking for something to accompany the word of God to fight the enemy, but I found nothing else. I grew frustrated because I assumed that I needed something "stronger" than just the word of God to defeat the enemy, smh. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the word of God is alive and active. This means it can be used to physically destroy anything that goes against the word of God.
How to use it:
"The weapon is only as powerful as the person wielding it". Well, using the word of God against the enemy is only as powerful as the believer's faith in God's power. Romans 10:11 says that for anyone who believes, they are to openly declare their faith in God. Remember when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness, what did he do? He openly declared the scriptures that reaffirmed his faith in God and made the devil flee. We rest the enemy with the word of God, not our fists. Our fight is not against flesh and blood but principalities in high place (Eph. 6:12). How can you fight the spiritual with something natural? It does not work like that. The word of God was spirit first and took on flesh, Jesus. Jesus defeated death, hell, and the grave. The word of God has power over everything seen (physical) and unseen (supernatural).